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Our Services

We offer a variety of services to facilitate your writing journey to make you a published author. Find which one works for you.

Author Coaching

We are here to equip you with the tools you need

to become a successful published author

What do we offer?

We offer One-on-One Sessions on:​​


  • Manuscript Development

  • Manuscript Proofreading & Editing

  • Goal Setting & Accountability

  • Time Management & Productivity

  • Overcoming Writer's block

  • Author Branding & Career Development

  • Book Marketing Strategies

Price: $1,099
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Writing Services

We are not like conventional publishing companies that wait for the writer to complete the manuscript before they can start working on it. We go at the source. We assist aspiring authors in the writing process of their manuscript. We offer unique writing services to aspiring authors to facilitate the writing process of their manuscript so that it could be ready for publication.

Image by Aaron Burden

Ghost Writing

We help aspiring authors write their manuscript for them. 

Fees will be applied for that service once agreement is reached.​

Get a free 1-on-1 call with Germinal G. Van to have a strategic discussion about the writing process of your manuscript.

Writing Assistance

This service is for aspiring authors who want to write their own book but need our assistance and expertise in the writing process of their manuscript.

Fees will be applied for that service once agreement is reached.

Get a free 1-on-1 call with Germinal G. Van to have a strategic discussion about the writing process of your manuscript.


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Publishing Services

We offer hybrid publishing services and the author keeps most of the royalties 

Checking Text on a Document

Service Package

  • Book production to be completed within 12 months

  • Available for support before and after publication of the book

  • Assign ISBN numbers for print and digital versions of the book

  • Translating manuscript from foreign language into English (if the book has been written in a foreign language)

  • Edit manuscript

  • Proofread final page proofs

  • Create an index for non-fiction books

  • Design front and back cover as well as spine

  • Design text interior and format the book

  • Manage e-book file preparation and uploading to most e-retailers, including Amazon, B&N, and iTunes

  • Manage print production

  • Email marketing to 100+ targeted media sources soliciting review and interview possibilities

  • Send books to reviewers upon request

  • Highlight book in GGV Publishing Catalogs, available online and distributed at trade shows and other events

  • Create book page on GGV Publishing website with links to online sales channels; primarily link to,, and independent bookstores

  • ​Warehousing of short-run printed books. This is included in the price of your package for one calendar year

  • Book launch support

  • Author keeps 70% of the royalties, we keep 30%



We offer two financing options and

you can select which one works best for you:


1) three installment payments of $2,000.00

2) $500 per month over 12 months

Translation Services

We translate books from foreign languages into English

We take great pride in providing translation services to foreign authors and writers. We translate manuscripts from foreign languages into English.


This service is separated from our publishing service package. It is for authors and writers who strictly want to get their books translated.


List of foreign languages translate into English:


French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Slovak, Czech, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, & Swahili


Our pricing starts at $600.00. We translate manuscripts that are at least 5,000 words, and we charge $0.12 per word. For manuscript that are above 5,000 words, financing option is available over a 12-month payment plan.

Promotional Services

We are dedicated to help authors increase their

presence and notoriety to make an everlasting impact

What do we Offer?

Author Branding

Book Launch

Book Reviews

Social Media Book Promotion

What will you Get?

Since each author is at a different stage of their journey, we offer individual services tailored to their need (s).

Author Branding


Your author branding is a vital part of how you market yourself and your books. It’s about what comes to mind when others think of you. We will write a promotional article about you as an author that highlights your writing skills, your journey as an author, and aspirations for future books on our website that we will then share on all social media platforms.

Book Launch


A successful book launch will bring awareness to your book while allowing you to celebrate your accomplishment and connect with your readers. We will post your book on our website on launch day, and share it on all social media platform.

Book Reviews


In order for your book to have a chance at hitting bestseller status you need to have reviews come in on the day of release. We will write a thorough review of your book on our website and share that review on all social media platforms, amazon, and Goodreads, to attract new readers.

Social Media Book Promotion


The best part about using Social Media as an author is engaging with your audience and showing them who you are and getting them excited about what you’re working on or releasing. We will extensively promote your book on our social media platforms.

All-in-One Package

This package offers you all the individual services listed above as one service. We will work on your author branding, book launch, book review, and book promotion on social media.

  • Author Branding - $100

  • Book Launch - $100

  • Book Reviews - $100

  • Social Media Book Promotion - $100

  • All-in-One Package - $400​


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